2019 ANA Annual Meeting

On Tuesday, October 15th, at 6:30pm, the Arcadia Neighborhood Association is having its big annual meeting at the Arcadia School Library.

Attending this meeting will be James Baker, the Deputy Public Services Director for the City of Kalamazoo. One of Mr. Baker’s primary jobs is responsibility for all things related to our drinking water. We’re hoping he can fill us in on the details and time schedule for replacing any water mains in our neighborhood which should also give us an idea of a schedule for street repairs.

Also at this meeting the board will elect new officers, so if you’re interested in joining and helping to plan the future of our neighborhood, toss your hat in the ring. I’m fairly certain no hats will be returned.

If you’d like to stop by to mention a problem in the neighborhood that’s got you ticked off, that’s great too, but we have a favor to ask. Please bring in your concern on paper with as much detail as you can. This way we’ll have excellent documentation.