2023 Ice Cream Social


Next week, on Tuesday, August 1st, join the Arcadia Neighborhood Association for the annual Ice Cream Social! It will be hosted at Arcadia Elementary from 4pm until 9pm.

There will be a bounce house, music, hot dogs and… ICE CREAM!!

Every year, we put out the ol’ pickle jar and request donations to help cover the costs. This year, we’re doing more than ever before, so please help out by remembering to bring a few bucks to drop in the jar. Like many of you, I normally don’t carry cash in this digital age, so ransack the kids’ piggy banks and make them pay for their own ice cream this year! It’s only fair. 🙂


We also need people to help out. If you can dedicate an hour, it would really make a difference. Pick from the following and let us know in the comments.

– monitor the bounce house
– scoop ice cream
– help out serving hot dogs

LASTLY, it doesn’t look like rain, but you never know. If it rains, we’ll do our best to use the overhang off the school parking lot to serve ice cream.

Watch here for further announcements as the day gets closer.