Arcadia Neighborhood Association Annual Board Meeting

Sure, this pandemic has you steamed, but joining your neighbors to iron out our problems is exactly what Dr. Fauci would have ordered! This quick little meeting has two primary purposes: elect the 2021 slate of officers and board members, and restate our goals going forward.

We will meet in the northwest corner of the Arcadia Elementary field (see map in comments), maintain social distancing, and wear face masks. Even rain won’t throw a wrinkle in our plans. The meeting goes on regardless. If all goes well, we will be on our way in 15 minutes. If you’d like, bring a chair.

If you’re interested in joining the board, please attend and join us!

2021 Proposed ANA Board:
Rex Brueggemann
Michael Coyle
Ken Larson
Recording Secretary
Paul Schneidenbach

Board Members:

David Anderson
Kristi Bailey
Jeff Carroll
Jon Collier
Grace Gheen
Paul Laferriere
Philip Rose
John Kreuzer
Michael Claussen
David Riggs